28 Mayıs 2020 Perşembe

Healthy Traditional Recipes (Gazi Mustafa Kemal İlkokulu) ÖMER BAĞCI

Burada, bu projedeki amacımız, çocukluğumuzu büyüleyen benzersiz geleneksel tarifleri yeni nesillere aktarmak. Hangimiz, geleneksel çocukluğumuzun sağlıklı yemeğe saygı, bakım ve zevk tutumlarının aktarılmasını teşvik eden zevklerini biliyoruz.

• Sağlıklı yaşam tarzı alışkanlıklarına karşı olumlu tutumları teşvik etmek.

• İyi sonuçlar elde etmek için sorumluluğun hayati olduğu işbirliğine dayalı bir çalışma çizgisi geliştirmek.

• Diğer kültürel gerçeklerden öğrencilerle iletişimi teşvik etmek, yabancı dillerde iletişim ihtiyacını arttırmak.

• Kültürün ve diğer kültürlerin değerini artırmak.

• İyi sonuçlar elde etmek için sorumluluğun hayati olduğu işbirliğine dayalı bir çalışma çizgisi geliştirmek.

• Doğaya saygı, bakım ve bağlılık ruhunu geliştirmek (bahçe / meyve bahçesi)

• Bir tarifin biçimini hem sözlü hem de yazılı olarak takip ederek tanımlayın, anlayın ve yeniden üretin.

• Bilgi arama ve sunma teknolojisini yönetmek.

• Aileleri proje ile ilgili faaliyetlere dahil etmek.





Attention! There is lesson in the class

We define education in the most general sense as the process of bringing cultural values ​​to the individual. In this process; acquire talent, skill, attitude, aesthetic sensitivity and various positive behaviors. Schools provide opportunities for students to develop their interests and skills as well as academic knowledge through their educational experiences. Thus, the schools carry out their teaching functions through the lessons and they integrate their educational functions with the extracurricular activities.
Extra-curricular social activities are as important for the multi-faceted development of the individual as of the in-class activities. Extracurricular activities are practical activities that reinforce what students learn in the formal teaching process and that these learning are related to life. These activities implemented in schools can be classified as extra-curricular activities carried out outside of the curriculum and complementary and co-curricular activities carried

Username: Climates are Changing Password: Act!

The climate system is a complex and interactive system that covers atmospheres, land surfaces, snow and ice, oceans and other water bodies and living things. Climate change is becoming increasingly important in the world. Climate change has negative effects on living things. We want to create awareness among students and families about this issue, to raise environmental awareness, to involve students in their lives, to provide applicability and to create a livable environmental culture.
 In this process, students are encouraged to use Web 2.0 tools and become individuals with 21st century needs. The schools of the founders of this project are located by the river.
At the end of the project, it is aimed to present the effects of climate changes on living things through photographs and short films and to create a common album with these resources.
Teams of 10 students from each school will be established and these students will be allowed to communicate regularly on the twinspace.