17 Mayıs 2020 Pazar

WHY IS ON AIR? Silifke Bilim ve Sanat Merkezi (Hasan DÜZGÜNOĞLU)

"Why" is on air?"

In this project we will learn nature,We will conduct experiments,
Skype will perform experimentsWe will speak EnglishLet's laugh at each other
We will share the method of learning nature We will share the method of learning nature Let's write each other letters.
Projemiz için öğrencilerimizin hazırladığı logo çalışmaları (Wordart logomaker ve postermywall kullanıldı.)

Tell us about your well-known physicist, biologist, chemist, scientist

Aziz Sancar was born in  in Savur in southeast of Turkey. His family was a middle-class family. His family had no education, however, they consider education as a must and Sancar had to educate. Aziz Sancar studied at Istanbul University and then he studied at the University of Texas, Dallas, where his received his doctorate in 1977. He was a professor at Chapel Hill, North Carolina Medical School. Aziz Sancar is married to Gwen Boles Sancar, a professor of biochemistry and biophysics at the same time. His works are about living cells have DNA molecules that carry an organism's genes. In order to living and developing of an organism ,the DNA of the organism cannot change. DNA molecules are not perfectly stable, so it is possible to take a damage. In 1983, through studies of bacteria, Aziz Sancar showed how certain protein molecules, certain repair enzymes, repair DNA damaged by ultraviolet (UV) light. Thanks to these discoveries we have increased our understanding of how the living cell works, the causes of cancer and aging processes.
Minekraft studies of our students

Bu projede öğrencilerimiz birlikte doğayı öğrendiler.Deneyler yaptılar, Skypede ortak olduğumuz ülkeler ile öğrencilerimiz deneylerini yaptı.ingilizce konuşarak, eğlenerek, gülerek ,doğayı öğrenme yöntemini paylaşarak güzel bir projeyi tamamladılar.

I have had dissemination activities for our etwinning project.Here they are:
Our students prepared and sent new year cards to their friends in Georgia.

Science and art center on our web site for our project news (Bilim ve sanat merkezimizin projemiz için WEB sayfasında yaptığı haber )
Please click the link for news.
We received letters and cards from Georgian students from our project partners.

Experiments conducted by our students within the scope of the project

Öğrencilerimizin proje kapsamında yapmış oldukları deney çalışmaları

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